Sunday, September 22, 2013

No Object #5

It is the urge to read the picture showing up with the words as "illustration" that makes possible the slight delay entered when there's some doubt about that. When it is not so obvious that the picture shows what the words are saying, what becomes obvious is the delay itself. As Zizek wrote in For they know not what they do (Verso, 1991, rev. 2002): "This dialogical economy therefore implies a purely logical temporality: a temporal scansion between the moment of expectation and the moment of its disappointment, a minimal delay of the second part of the tautology. Without this minimal temporality, the proposition A = A remains a simple affirmation of identity and cannot produce the effect of pure contradiction." He is talking about Hegel's commentary on "God is ... God," but the dissolution works likewise, as it can do in words alone when reference is delayed; however, there people turn away or merely back to some quality in the words themselves.

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